
Below are my study notes created while preparing to take the RHCSA exam which I sat and passed on 26/09/2023

You can create a RedHat developer account for free which includes a RHEL subscription for up to 16 devices:

Understand and use essential tools

Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax

I would say this objective is well covered throughout, so I wont add any explanations or examples here

Use input-output redirection (>, », |, 2>, etc.)

STDIN (user) -> CMD -> STDOUT (console/screen)

Read a file as standard input = “<” which changes the flow to ‘CMD -> FILE -> STDOUT’ with the file replacing STDIN

Send the standard output to a file = “>” which changes the flow to ‘STDIN -> CMD -> file’ with the file now replacing STDOUT
ls > lsresult

Redirect STDERR (error messages) = “2>” which sends any error messages to the defined location
ls jibberish 2> errors
ls jibberish 2> /dev/null

Send the standard output to a file but this time append the file = “»” which changes the flow to ‘STDIN -> CMD -> file’ with the file now replacing STDOUT and the STDOUT will append rather than write/overwrite
ls /etc >> lsetcresultappend ls /etc >> lsetcresultappend

Piping = “|” will use the result of the previous command as the STDINPUT of another command
ls -l /etc | wc

Use grep and regular expressions to analyze text

Find the text “ssh” in the output of ‘ps aux’: ps aux | grep ssh
Recursively search for the text “root” in /etc": grep -R root /etc
Find the text “adam” in /etc/shadow but case-insensitive: grep -i Adam /etc/shadow

Access remote systems using SSH

Connect to a remote system using SSH: ssh [email protected]
Things to keep in mind: ~/.ssh/known_hosts which is a record of public keys for hosts you have connected to previously

Log in and switch users in multiuser targets

Change virtual terminal: chvt 4 Can also be done with CTL+ALT+F[1-6] when using console or phsyical logins
Use “w” command to see all logged in users: w
Use “su” to change user to root: su -
Use “sudo” to run commands as root: sudo command -options

Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2

Create an XZ compressed archive of the home folder: tar cJvf homefolder.tar.xz /home
Extract a compressed archive into a folder: tar xvf homefolder.tar.xz -C /tmp/archive

Create and edit text files

Replace all occurrences of a word in a text file: sed -i s/originalword/replacementword/g /etc/service.conf
Using vim is out of scope for these study notes, check out

Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories

Create a directory: mkdir directoryname
Create a sub directory in directory that doesn’t already exist: mkdir -p /tmp/newdir/newdir2
Copy all files starting with the letter ‘a’, ‘b’ or ‘c’ from /etc into /tmp/files: cp /etc/[a-c]* /tmp/files
Move all files starting with the letters ‘a’ or ‘b’ to a subfolder: mv [a-b]* /tmp/files/folder1
Move all files starting with the letter ‘c’ into a sub folder: mv c* /tmp/files/folder2
Copy all files smaller than 1KB into a sub folder: find -size -1000c -exec cp {} /tmp/files/folder3 \;

Consider hard links as similar to an additional copy of a file
Consider soft/symbolic links as similar to a shortcut to a file

Hard link ln /etc/hosts /root/hardlinkhosts
Soft link ln -s /etc/hosts /root/symboliclinkhosts

List, set, and change standard ugo/rwx permissions

List the contents of a folder including the permissions: ls -la or ls -la /folder/path

Change the permissions of a folder or file: chmod 770 file or chmod u+wr file or chmod g-w folder
Set the permissions of a folder or file while removing any existing permissions: chmod u=rw,g=r file

Set user owner and group owner of a file: chown user:group file
Set user owner and group owner of a folder and apply recursively: chown -R user:group folder

Set a default filesystem ACL for a group to always have read access to a folder: setfacl -m d:g:groupname:rx /folder/path
List existing filesystem ACL’s for a folder: getfacl /folder/path

Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in /usr/share/doc

Update mandb to be able to search for text: mandb
man -k searchtext
man command

more /usr/share/doc/openssh/README
less /usr/share/doc/lvm2/README

Create simple shell scripts

Conditionally execute code (use of: if, test, [], etc.)

# Example bash script to check for an input

if [ -z $1 ]
	echo "an input is required"
	echo "you have provided the input $1"

Use Looping constructs (for, etc.) to process file, command line input

# Example bash script for n+1 until 10

while [ $NUMBER -lt 10 ]
    do ((NUMBER++))
    echo $NUMBER
# Example bash script of a for loop
for i in red white blue
    do echo $i
# Example bash script of a for loop reading input from a file
for i in ($cat /tmp/users.csv)
    echo username is $USER

Process script inputs ($1, $2, etc.)

# Example bash script to process 2 arguments
if [ -z $1 ]
    echo "you must provide 2 arguments"
elif [ -z $2 ]
    echo "you must provide 2 arguments"
    echo "you have provide $# arguments which are $1 and $2"

Processing output of shell commands within a script

# Example bash script to process the output of a shell command

echo "enter a directory to fix the file permissions (set as 755)"

for i in $(find $FIXFILES -type f -not -perm 755)
    echo "fixing file permissions on file $i"
    chmod 755 $i

Operate running systems

Display memory usage: free -m
Display uptime and load average: uptime
Nice levels for processes: -20 is highest priority and 19 is lowest priority

Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally

Reboot a system: reboot
Shutdown a system: shutdown -h now (Can specify a time delay in the -h switch) Power off a system: poweroff

Boot systems into different targets manually

Show the current boot target: systemctl get-default
Switch into a new target manually: systemctl isolate
Set a new default boot target: systemctl set-default

Interrupt the boot process in order to gain access to a system

Hit the arrow keys during the grub menu to prevent the timeout from ticking down and proceeding with the boot process
Hit the e key to edit the grub boot options
Find the line specifying the Linux kernel options and append rd.break
Hit ctrl+x to continue the boot process with your customizations
You will be booted into emergency mode working from initramfs (actual system has not booted at all)
Mount the root volume so we can make our changes: mount -o remount,rw /sysroot
Change the shell environment to use the actual system root: chroot /sysroot
Change the root password: passwd root
Reset/Fix the selinux labels so it’s possible to boot cleanly with the new root password: touch /.autorelabel
Hit ctrl+d to exit the chroot environment
Hit ctrl+d again to continue the boot process

Identify CPU/memory intensive processes and kill processes

Detailed overview of running processes: ps aux
This will output a lot of text so it’s good to use less and step through the output with spacebar: ps aux | less

Overview of running processes and their hierarchical relation: ps fax
List of processes for a specific user: ps fU adam

Display system resource usage: top
For CPU% - us = user | sy = system | ni = nice | wa = wait time (IO) | hi = hardware interrupts | si = software interrupts
Press f to change display settings and sorting
Press k to send the kill signal to the top process with “” or “” to send the kill signal to a specific process based on PID
Press r to renice (change the nice value) of a process

Kill a process: kill PID (polite method, process gets the opportunity to shutdown cleanly)
Kill a process: kill -9 PID (forced, can cause data loss for the process that’s force killed)
Kill all instances of a specific processes: killall processname

Adjust process scheduling

Run a process with lower priority: nice 15 command
Change the priority of a running process: renice -n -10 PID

Manage tuning profiles

Ensure the tuned service is running: systemctl status tuned
Show current tuned profile: tuned-adm active
Show list of all tuned profiles available: tuned-adm list
Set a specific tuned profile: tuned-adm profile profilename

Locate and interpret system log files and journals

Logs are now handled by systemd-journald in binary format but still get passed to rslogd which stores the logs in text format in /var/log
View the journal for a specific service: systemctl status httpd

Send specific logs or severity of logs to it’s own log file: vim /etc/rsyslog.conf
Create a custom logrotate entry to rotate these logs: vim /etc/logrotate.d/example

/var/log/example {
    rotate 12

Preserve system journals

Value inside /etc/systemd/journald.conf the default will be “Storage=Auto” which will then persist logs if the folder /var/log/journal exists
Make the systemd-journald logs persistent: mkdir -p /var/log/journal

Start, stop, and check the status of network services

Check the status of a network service: systemctl status servicename
Start a network service: systemctl start servicename
Stop a network service: systemctl stop servicename

Securely transfer files between systems

There are 3 options all made possible by SSH: scp and sftp and rsync

scp is the most compatible option
sftp creates a regular FTP session using SSH
rsync will now also by default use SSH (no need for the -e ssh option)

Use SCP to transfer some local files to a remote destination: scp localfile01 localfile02 [email protected]:/remote/directory

Use SFTP to securely transfer files: sftp [email protected]
Download a file via SFTP: get filename
Upload a file via SFTP: put filename

Download a directory and it’s contents using rsync: rsync -ar [email protected]:/etc /home/adam/rsyncdemo in format “:/remote/directory /local/directory”

Configure local storage

List block devices: lsblk
Get UUID and labels of block devices: blkid
The block devices can be found in /dev/devicename

List, create, delete partitions on MBR and GPT disks

Use parted for EFI/GPT: parted /dev/sdX
List partitions with parted: print
Create a GPT partition table with parted: mklabel
Create a new GPT partition with parted: mkpart
Delete a partition with parted: rm
Set a partition for use by LVM: set N lvm on

Use fdisk for BIOS/MBR: fdisk /dev/sdX
List partitions with fdisk: print
Create a MBR partition table with fdisk: o
Create a new partition with fdisk: n
Delete a partition with fdisk: d

Create and remove physical volumes

Initialize a partition for use with LVM: pvcreate /dev/sdb4
Initialize another partition for use with LVM: pvcreate /dev/sdb5
Initialize a disk for use with LVM: pvcreate /dev/sdc
Remove a physical volume: pvremove /dev/sdb4

Assign physical volumes to volume groups

Create a volume group from two physical volumes: vgcreate volumegroup01 /dev/sdb4 /dev/sdb5
This will automatically initialize/create the physical volumes if they hadn’t already been done like in the step above

Create and delete logical volumes

Create a logical volume using 100% of the available space in a volume group: lvcreate -l100%FREE volumegroup01 -n logicalvolume01
Delete a logical volume: lvremove volumegroup01/logicalvolume01
Create a logical volume of a specific size: lvcreate -L 1.5G volumegroup01 -n logicalvolume02

Configure systems to mount file systems at boot by universally unique ID (UUID) or label

To mount by label when editing /etc/fstab use: LABEL=labelofpartition to specify the device
To mount by UUID when editing /etc/fstab use: UUID="000000011-0001-ab00-ba0000001234" to specify the device

** You can also use systemd-mount which is likely to be the best method in future but is not needed for the exam **

Add new partitions and logical volumes, and swap to a system non-destructively

Format a swap partition: mkswap /dev/sdX
Mount a swap partition: swapon -a or swapon /dev/sdX

Create and configure file systems

Create, mount, unmount, and use vfat, ext4, and xfs file systems

Format a partition with XFS: mkfs.xfs /dev/sdX
Format a partition with EXT4: mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX
Format a partition with VFAT: mkfs.vfat /dev/sdX

Format a LVM logical volume with XFS: mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/volumegroup01-logicalvolume02

Mount a filesystem: mount /dev/sdX /mount/location
Unmount a filesystem: umount /mount/location

Show existing mounts: mount or findmnt

Mount and unmount network file systems using NFS

Show available exports: showmount -e
Mount the available share: mount /mnt/nfs
Make the mount persistent by adding it to fstab by adding the below entry:  /mnt/nfs    nfs _netdev 0 0

I have tested that using “defaults” like other mounts instead of “_netdev” also works

Configure autofs

Install required packages: yum install autofs
This will create the files /etc/auto.master and other auto.* files

Auto mount the /data export on /files: vim /etc/auto.master
Add the line:

/files   /etc/auto.files

Create the file /etc/auto.files to define the NFS share for auto mounting: vim /etc/auto.files
Add the line:

data    -rw

Wildcard mounting for example home user directories, inside auto.ldap:

*   -rw servername:/users/&

Extend existing logical volumes

Extend a logical volume by 2GB and resize the filesystem: lvextend -L +2GB volumegroup01/logicalvolume02 -r
Extend a logical volume to use all available free space: lvextend -l +100%FREE volumegroup01/logicalvolume02

Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration

Create a shared folder for students to collaborate: mkdir /data/students
Set the group owner on folder students: chown :students /data/students
Set the group owner “students” to be inherited: chmod g+s /data/students

Ensure only the original owner of the file can delete files: chmod +t /data/students

Diagnose and correct file permission problems

Ownership permissions follow UGO

Ownership permissions checks EXIT on match, for example if there is a match on user then the permission check will stop without checking permissions for group or others

Access permissions follow RWE
Read (4)
Write (2)
Execute (1)
For a folder execute permission allows navigating into it
For a file execute permission allows to run the file (eg. bash script)

Special permissions
SUID (4) - for a file it will run-as owner - for a folder it will do nothing (big security risk, avoid using this)
SGID (2) - for a file it will run-as group - for a folder it will make the files inherit the group owner
Stick Bit (1) - for a file it will do nothing - for a folder it will ensure only the file owner can delete the file

Deploy, configure, and maintain systems

Schedule tasks using at and cron

Create a user-specific cron job with: contrab -e

Cron file format needs to be as follows:
minute hour day of month month day of week command to run
0-59 0-23 1-31 1-12 0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday)

Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly cron jobs that are generally installed by packages can be found in /etc/cron.d

You can use at to schedule a job to run at a specific time at 19:17 followed by entering the command to run in the prompt: logger send a message to the log followed by ctrl+d
List jobs in the “at” queue: atq
Remove a job from the “at” queue: atrm jobnumber

Another option is systemd timers which don’t look to be an exam objective, you can find some that come preconfigured in /usr/lib/systemd/system
These can be enabled and started like any other systemd unit: systemctl enable example.timer and systemd start example.timer

Start and stop services and configure services to start automatically at boot

Start a service: systemctl start servicename
Stop a service: systemctl stop servicename
Check the status of a service: systemctl status servicename
Set a service to start on boot: systemctl enable servicename
Stop a service from starting on boot: systemctl disable servicename

List systemd unit types: systemctl -t help
List running units: systemctl list-units

Reload systemd units after making changes: systemctl daemon-reload

Edit a systemd service and have it always restart after a 1 minute delay: systemctl edit httpd
In the text editor that opens, add in


Reload systemd units: systemctl daemon-reload
Set the service to start at boot and start it now: systemctl enable --now httpd Kill the service: killall httpd
Check that the service has stopped and it’s Active status is “Activating” - this should show that it will auto-restart in 60 seconds
systemctl status httpd

Configure systems to boot into a specific target automatically

Get current default boot target: systemctl get-default
Set the as default: systemctl set-default

Configure time service clients

See current time status: timedatectl status
Set the timezone: timedatectl set-timezone Country/State
Time should be synchronized from NTP by default, NTP servers can be set in /etc/chrony.conf

Install and update software packages from Red Hat Network, a remote repository, or from the local file system

Installing packages from Red Hat network requires registering a subscription which can be done with Subscription Manager
Register subscription: subscription-manager register (provide username and password)
Connect the subscription: subscription-manager attach --auto

Search for a package: yum search packagename
Find a package that contains a wanted tool: yum provides setools
Show info/description of a package: yum info packagename
Show all available packages: yum list and show installed packages: yum list installed
Install a package: yum install packagename
Remove a package: yum remove packagename

Check for newer versions of installed packages: yum update
Check for a newer version of a specific package: yum update packagename

Download the rpm of an available package: yumdownloader httpd or dnf download httpd
Check an rpm file for any scripts: rpm -qp --scripts httpd-2.4.57-5.el9.x86_64.rpm

$$ need to add something for “yum groups” and “yum modules” $$

Create a local repo for installing packages:
Create an ISO from the dvd drive: dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/rhel92.iso bs=1M
Create a mount point: mkdir /repo
Mount the ISO as /repo by editing /etc/fstab and adding /rhel92.iso /repo iso9660 defaults 0 0 followed by systemctl daemon-reload and mount -a

Create a yum repo with an entry for the above starting with BaseOS and then AppStream:

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/baseos.repo
Enter the contents:


vim /etc/yum.repos.d/appstream.repo
Enter the contents:


Modify the system bootloader

Edit grub config to have a more verbose boot: vim /etc/default/grub and find “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX” then remove ‘rhgb quiet’ from the options
Write out a new grub config [BIOS]: grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/
Write out a new grub config [UEFI]: grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg

Manage basic networking

General tools for network info: ip addr and ip -s link and ip route

Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

Use NetworkManager CLI to configure networking:
Create static connection with the name “example-static”: nmcli con add type ethernet con-name example-static ifname enp2s0 ip4 gw4
Add DNS to the connection “example-static”: nmcli con mod example-static ipv4.dns “”

Use NetworkManager console GUI to configure networking: nmtui
Use arrow keys, tab, spacebar and enter to navigate menu options for configuring network settings

Configure hostname resolution

Check current configuration: hostnamectl
Set a hostname for the server: hostnamectl hostname rchsa01
Set the FQDN for the server: hostnamectl hostname

If there’s any issues with hostname resolution you can check /etc/resolv.conf which should say this file is managed by NetworkManager Set DNS for a connection named “example-static”: nmcli con mod example-static ipv4.dns “” Confirm hostname resolution is working using dig or ping

Configure network services to start automatically at boot

Start a network service: systemctl start httpd
Set the network service to start automatically at boot: systemctl enable httpd

Restrict network access using firewall-cmd/firewall

Show current config: firewall-cmd --list-all
Block HTTPS traffic for runtime: firewall-cmd --remove-service https
Block HTTPS traffic and make it persistent: firewall-cmd --remove-service https --permanent
Reload firewall: firewall-cmd --reload

Manage users and groups

Create, delete, and modify local user accounts

Create a user with a comment associated with the account: useradd -c "this is a new user" notadam
Create a new user without a comment: useradd notadam2

Remove a user: userdel notadam2
Remove a user and remove their home directory: userdel -r notadam

Specify files to be created in users home directories by default: /etc/skel

Change passwords and adjust password aging for local user accounts

Change the password for your currently logged in account: passwd
Change the password for another account (requires root): passwd username

Set password aging in /etc/login.defs
Find the variable named PASS_MAX_DAYS
Setting password aging in /etc/login.defs will only apply to newly created accounts
Set the minimum password age for an existing account: chage -m 3 username
Set the maximum password age for an existing account: chage -M 90 username

Create, delete, and modify local groups and group memberships

Add user to the group “wheel”: usermod -aG wheel adam
Using the -a switch along with the -G switch means it will append group memberships rather than replace

List members of a group: lid -g groupname
Delete a group: groupdel groupname
Change the name of a group: groupmod -n newgroupname oldgroupname

Configure superuser access

View current config of sudo/superuser access: visudo /etc/sudoers
Members of the group “wheel” should be allowed sudo/superuser access Add a user to group “wheel”: usermod -aG wheel username
You can now run things as superuser/root by using “sudo” in front of the commands: sudo reboot

Grant superuser access only for specific commands: visudo /etc/sudoers
Add the following line to the sudoers file: username ALL=(root) /bin/ping
The above will allow the user to execute “/bin/ping” as root

Manage security

Configure firewall settings using firewall-cmd/firewalld

Show current config: firewall-cmd --list-all
List pre-defined services that can be allowed through the firewall: firewall-cmd --list-services
Allow HTTPS traffic for runtime: firewall-cmd --add-service https
Allow HTTPS traffic and make it persistent: firewall-cmd --add-service https --permanent
Reload firewall: firewall-cmd --reload

Manage default file permissions

Configure key-based authentication for SSH

Create a public/private key pair for current user: ssh-keygen
Note: The public key can be shared
Note: The private key must not be shared and must be stored securely

Transfer the public key to destination server: ssh-copy-id

You should now be able to login using pubkey authentication as it’s enabled by default

To review current ssh server configuration check: vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config You should see the line #PubKeyAuthentication yes it is commented out because it’s the default setting

Some settings that you might like to change in there would be PasswordAuthentication and PermitRootLogin disabling both of these is generally a good option for improved security

To restrict SSH login to specific users, the users can be defined with AllowUsers username1 username2

Set enforcing and permissive modes for SELinux

Check the current SELinux status: getenforce
Change the SELinux mode to permissive: setenforce permissive
Change the SELinux mode to enforcing: setenforce enforcing

List and identify SELinux file and process context

SELinux contexts follow the below standard: user specific context (you will see this as _u)
role specific context (you will see this as _r)
type which defines allowed operations (you will see this as _t)

List directory contents including SELinux file contexts: ls -laZ
List processes including SELinux process contexts: ps auxZ
Find the SELinux process context for httpd: ps auxZ | grep httpd

Restore default file contexts

Restore defaults as per policy for the entire filesystem: touch /.autorelabel followed by rebooting
Change the SELinux context on folder /web: semanage-fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "/web(/.*)?"
Restore contexts per policy for a specific folder: restorecon -R -v /web

Manage SELinux port labels

Use boolean settings to modify system SELinux settings

List all SELinux boolean options: getsebool -a
Set a SELinux boolean value persistently: setsebool -P <option> [on/off]
For example, allow httpd access to user home directories: setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs on

Diagnose and address routine SELinux policy violations

Check for sealerts in /var/log/messages: grep sealert /var/log/messages
Do the same with journalctl: journalctl | grep sealert
Analyze the audit log and provide a human readable output with suggestions: sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log

Search “/var/log/audit.log” for messages with AVC: grep AVC /var/log/audit/audit.log

Manage containers

Install required tools: yum install container-tools

Find and retrieve container images from a remote registry

Red Hat container registry requires a login (which you can get for free with a Developer account) Provide login details: podman login
Search for containers: podman search nginx

Inspect container images

List local images: podman images
Inspect a remote image: skopeo inspect docker://
Inspect an image that exists locally: podman inspect imagename

Perform container management using commands such as podman and skopeo

Remove a container: podman rm containername
Remove a container image: podman rmi imagename
View logs from a container: podman logs containername

Build a container from a Containerfile

Create a directory for your container: mkdir mycontainer switch into the directory cd mycontainer
Create a basic script to echo some words: vim myecho
Inside this file:

# script to echo some words
echo "this is mycontainer!"

Set it as executable: chmod 755 myecho
Create the Containerfile: vim Containerfile
Inside this file:

ADD myecho /usr/local/bin
ENTRYPOINT "/usr/local/bin/myecho"

Build the container: buildah build -t mycontainer
Run the container: podman run mycontainer it should output the text “this is mycontainer!”

Perform basic container management such as running, starting, stopping, and listing running containers

Start a container in the background: podman run -d nginx
Start a container with an interactive shell: podman run -it fedora
Stop a container: podman stop containername
Restart a container: podman restart containername
List running containers: podman ps

Create a systemd service for a container: podman generate systemd --name containername --files
Move the resulting .service file to /home/adam/.config/systemd/user for example: mv container-name.service /home/adam/.config/systemd/user
Enable session linger for the user running the container: loginctl enable-linger adam Enable the systemd service for the container: systemctl --user enable container-name.service
Start the systemd service to also start the container: systemctl --user start container-name.service
The container will now start on boot

Run a service inside a container

Run nginx with port forwards from the host: podman run -d -p 8080:80 nginx
Allow the port through the host firewall: firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp
Allow the port through the host firewall again to survive reboot: firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent

Configure a container to start automatically as a systemd service

This will first require enabling regular user accounts to stay logged in/start services on boot: loginctl enable-linger username
Create the local folder to storing the systemd user units: mkdir -p .config/systemd/user
Create a systemd unit for a container: podman generate systemd --name nginx --files

Attach persistent storage to a container

Store web public html persistently outside the container: podman run -d -p 8080:80 -v /home/adam/public_html:public_html:Z nginx